This page contains acronyms starting with Y. Just scroll down to see all of them. In case you do miss acronyms, feel free to send them via our contact form.
Y2K | you're to kind |
YATB | you are the best |
YBS | you'll be sorry |
YG | young gentleman |
YHBBYBD | you'd have better bet your bottom dollar |
YKYWTKM | you know you want to kiss me |
YL | young lady |
YL | you'll live |
YM | you mean |
YM | young man |
YMMD | you've made my day |
YVW | you're very welcome |
YW | you're welcome |
YWIA | you're welcome in advance |
YWTHM | you want to hug me |
YWTKM | you want to kiss me |
YOYO | you're on your own |
YY4U | two wise for you |